Why Theatre?
The study of theatre arts at UW-Eau Claire provides students with an outstanding liberal arts education and fosters the development and appreciation of theatre as a significant art form. Theatre students begin their training immediately at UW-Eau Claire, working in a disciplined group effort under real-life pressures and deadlines to develop fully realized productions for campus and community audiences. Theatre students begin their training immediately at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 working in a disciplined group effort, under real-life pressures and deadlines to develop productions.
There are numerous ways to be involved and share in creating art that presents the wildly swinging pendulum of human experience. Each year there are four mainstage plays, an active musical/opera theatre ensemble, a one-act play festival or touring theatre production, and numerous other smaller events that all showcase the broad emotions we experience in life. This thriving community puts you in the midst of performances and classes that will make you a better artist! Whether your art is dance, acting, directing, playwriting, design, costuming, set building, stage managing, or sound and lights — there’s a place for you here. You can even work as a student employee in our scenic and costume shops, get a job in publicity, or as a master electrician.
For more information about the Theatre Division productions, auditions, or classes, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Arthur Grothe at grothear@5dexam.com.